
Mori Meme Day 9 & 10

Day 9 - 10 things you will never do in mori.
Im not exactly sure what this means or how its different from things i hate, but i don't think i shy away from doing anything in mori. I migrated to mori from lolita because i was always too scared of ruining my clothes to really have a good time. In morigirl i always feel perfectly made up, not overdressed or underdressed, ready for anything. To me thats the best feeling ever!

Day 10 - Whats in your bag?

Ive been holding off on this post long enough.. first i was waiting for my new phone to come in so i had a camera (which ill be using for photos here now!), then for a sunny day, but today i just took the damn picture anyway. In honor of back to school, happening in 2 weeks for me, im showing whats normally in my backpack! Its a sturdy canvas and leather knapsack from Roots, i love that its got a place to put your name and contact info.
Anyway, heres the contents:
- Light Scarf / Handkerchief
- Compact Mirror
- Sweater
- Phone Plug
- Hair Brush
- Sketchbook / Pens and Pencils
- Assorted Fliers / This ones for a movie called Resurrect Dead. Looks interesting, it caught my eye because we have quite a few of the mysterious landmarks around here!
- Keys
- Daisy perfume roller
- Sunglasses
- Wallet
- Lip Balm
- Tarte flush stick
- Zune

It sounds like a lot, but i like to be prepared since i stay at school all day. Also, about the photo, i took it with my new phone and applied a filter called "Vintage". Im having fun taking lots of pictures of stuff i find walking around, which ill share in the next meme entry! Im having a bit of trouble keeping up with it, im preparing to move all the way across the country to continue my education, but its an adventure and now i have a way to document and share it.

1 comment:

  1. I migrated to mori from lolita because i was always too scared of ruining my clothes to really have a good time.

    Same here, pretty much! It's also so much less expensive, more accessible without buying special items from Japan and a lot easier to pull off without committing any "cardinal sins" (no more worrying about whether anyone will know you're not wearing bloomers or suchlike) :P
